Get Involved

Below are some areas that we would appreciate help with

Paid Work

Counsellor, Support, & Ministry Positions for a Couple - click here for job description


Funding for student (clients) on our programme comes from benefit contributions, grants, sponsorship, and donations. Cross Roads Christian Community Trust is a Registered Charitable. Trust and donations over $5 are tax-deductible. (We do not have Government funding, nor do we seek funding from alcohol or gambling profits.) We depend on regular one-off donations to continue the work. As an individual, family, church, organisation, or business, please consider making a contribution, which will become an investment in people's lives. Details in the footer on ways you can help financially.

Donated Items:

  • Please contact us first by phone (+64 4 902 5828) or email if you have items you wish to donate or purchase for us, e.g. Consumables – Tissues, copy paper, stationery, washing powder, etc. or good quality musical instruments, art/craft equipment, furniture, tools/power tools, gardening equipment, etc.


  • Do you have a trade or ability as a builder, electrician, plumber, plasterer, painter, carpet layer, mechanic, etc, and can help from time to time or one-off?

Current Major Financial Needs:

  • Mortgage: We would like the Te Nikau property to be freehold. Current mortgage is around $500,000
  • Carpet: Most of our student and staff accommodation, and other areas need re-carpeting. (Approx $60,000)
  • Stacker chairs: Replacement chairs for our hall, teaching rooms and dining room. ($8,000 - $10,000)
  • Soft chairs: Replacement seating for our lounges, and group rooms. ($10,000)
  • Driveway and path repairs and replacement. ($50,000)