Books and Resources

The following are books and resources we have found useful. Scroll down to browse the entire list or click a button to go directly to a category. When you find a resource you're interested in, click the cover image to be taken to a website with further information and option to purchase. These resources may also be available from your local book retailer.

Addictions Various

healing life's hidden addictions
when good things become addictions
 freedom from addiction
released from bondage
Rapha's 12 step programme for overcomming chemical dependancy
overcoming addictive behaviour
Group's emergency response to addiction
the 12 steps a spiritual journey
How to defeat harmful habits
Bad habits and addictions
Hope and help for the addicted
Addicted to shopping
Breaking everyday addictions
Perfecting ourselves to death
Trapped - Mercy for Addictions
Feeding your appetites
Aaddiction and grace
Kick addiction
Sex, food and God
Healing for damaged emotions
The Complete Stress Management Workbook
Beauty for Ashes
Battlefield of the mind
Good Guilt Bad Guilt
The Freedom From Depression Workbook
How to respond when you feel mistreated
Victory Over Darkness
Healing is a choice
Learning to tell myself the truth
The choosing to Forgive Workbook
Living beyond your feelings

Food Addictions and Disorders

Love, Hunger and Weight Loss
Mercy for Eating Disorders
Made to crave
Beyond Starved
Rapha's 12 step programme for overcoming eating disorders

Sexual Addictions

Breaking free
False intimacy
Strength in weakness
101 freedom exercises
Captured by a better vision
Conquering pornography
An affair of the mind
When you love too much
Pure Desire
I surrender all
Every heart restored
Hope after betrayal
Faithful and true
Every Young Man's Battle
From good man to valiant man


From Bondage to Bonding
Rapha's 12 step programme for overcoming Co-dependancy
Victim of Love
Safe People
Love is a choice
Hooked on Life

Self Harm

Inside a Cutter's Mind
Beyond Cut
Scars That Wound, Scars That Heal


Emotional Healing DVD
Freedom from Co-dependency DVD

Bibles and Devotionals

Life Recovery bible
Life Recovery Workbook
NIV Recovery Devotional Bible
Serenity New Testament
Celebrate Recovery Bible
One day at a time
Battlefield of the mind devotional
Rooted in God's love
Touchpoints for Recovery

Websites and Bookstores

Manna Christian Stores

MANNA CHRISTIAN STORES is 100% New Zealand owned and operated. Started in Invercargill about 40 years ago we are now based in Auckland and are still owned by a not for profit charitable trust. (Any profits are put back into the ministry throughout the country.). We now have 15 stores nationwide. In 2015 we welcomed the Albany and Botany stores to the Manna family!

Joyce Meyer Ministries

Joyce Meyer Ministries is called to share the Gospel and extend the love of Christ. Through media we teach people how to apply biblical truth to every aspect of their lives and encourage God's people to serve the world around them. Through our missions arm, Hand of Hope, we provide global humanitarian aid, feed the hungry, clothe the poor, minister to the elderly, widows and orphans, visit prisoners and reach out to people of all ages and in all walks of life. Joyce Meyer Ministries is built on a foundation of faith, integrity and dedicated supporters who share this calling

Freedom in Christ Ministries

The Steps to Freedom in Christ is a practical application of Heb. 12:1-2 “Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God”.

McGee and Me

From the beginning, Koorong has remained committed to spreading God’s Word and building up the body of Christ by providing an extensive range of Christian books, Bibles, music, DVDs, gifts and more at the lowest prices. We are excited to be sharing with you in the important ministry of providing quality Christian resources that offer guidance and encouragement to the Church, and introduce others to the good news of Jesus Christ.

Careforce Lifekeys

Careforce Lifekeys was founded by Dr Allan Meyer and Helen Meyer during their 26 years of leadership at Care force Church, Mt. Evelyn, Australia. It comprises this Facilitator Training Program and a range of structured courses developed in their local church to address the need for restoration and discipleship.

Cloud Townsend Resources

Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend have been bringing hope and healing to millions for well over two decades, helping people discover solutions to life’s most difficult personal and relational challenges.Their material provides solid, practical answers and offers guidance in the areas of parenting, marriage, dating, emotional struggles, leadership, and personal and spiritual growth. They have spoken on a wide variety of issues,and have over one thousand recordings available in their extensive audio and DVD library.

Dr Grant Mullen

This site is all about personal transformation. We know it’s God’s will for us to be saved and transformed. There is so much confusion about how to do it, that most people just give up and settle for boring lives of quiet struggle. I want to clear the confusion and walk with you through the path of transformation that God is calling all of us to

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered program with foundations firmly established in Biblical truth. The 12 Steps with accompanying Scriptures and the 8 Principles based on the Beatitudes offer participants a clear path of salvation and discipleship; bringing hope, freedom, sobriety, healing, and the opportunity to give back one day at a time through our one and only true Higher Power, Jesus Christ. The 12 Steps and the 8 Principles work seamlessly together, tying historical recovery to timeless Biblical teaching.

Addiction Help In New Zealand

Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience strength and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. Alcoholics Anonymous can help people of any age from teens to elderly and from all backgrounds and ethnic groups. A.A. works through members telling their stories of what we used to be like, what happened and what we are like now, and often centers around attendance at A.A. meetings. The A.A. program, known as The Twelve Steps,provides a framework for self-examination and a road to recovery, free of alcohol

Narcotics Anonymous

Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a global organisation of recovering addicts. NA members are men and women from all walks of life for whom drugs had become a major problem, who meet regularly to help each other stay clean, and recover from the effects of addiction in their lives. The NA programme is one of complete abstinence from all drugs, following a twelve-step programme, and regular attendance at meetings

A Girl Called Hope

A Girl Called Hope is a non–profit organisation working with young women who face life–controlling issues and behavior such as abuse, addictions, depression, eating disorders, self harm and unplanned pregnancy. We exist to provide a future full of hope and potential to every young woman – to show them that they are valued, purposed and above all have a reason to live.

Alcohol And Drug Helpline

The Helpline is here to assist anyone with a question or concern about their own or someone else’s drinking or other drug use.If you want to check out if your drinking or drug use is OK and find ways to keep safe we can help.If your use of alcohol or other drugs is causing problems in your life, we can help.If you are a family member or carer of someone with an alcohol or other drug problem we can help.If you are concerned about a friend, colleague, client or employee and are seeking information, we can help.To access the Helpline dial 0800 787 797 from any landline or mobile.

Problem Gambling Foundation

The Problem Gambling Foundation of New Zealand began as the Compulsive Gambling Society (CGS) in 1988 with funding from the New Zealand Lottery Grants Board. The prominent psychiatrist Fraser McDonald helped three men who were experiencing problems with gambling establish the CGS because at that time there were no services available to work with gambling problems.  CGS started out as a telephone service with the first national hotline of its type internationally commencing operations in 1992.  As the need grew, services expanded to include face-to-face services and a second clinic was opened in Manurewa in 1993.

The Salvation Army Oasis Centre

The Salvation Army Oasis provides free and confidential support, education and counselling for those affected by gambling harm, as well as their whanau / family and others affected.Our services are staffed by qualified counsellors with expertise in supporting people with gambling related problems. We also provide public health services i.e. policy development, supporting safe gambling environments, awareness raising and education, strengthening communities, etc.Our integrated approach motivates and empowers people affected by gambling and associated problems to make positive choices for a healthy lifestyle.

Salvation Army Bridge Programme

Whether you're considering getting some help for yourself or a friend or relative, The Salvation Army Bridge offers the opportunity to evaluate alcohol or drug use and explore ways to bring things under control again. We provide a safe, integrated, high quality treatment service to people whose lives have been affected by the harmful use of, or dependency on alcohol or drugs. You will be supported, challenged and encouraged to make positive changes in your life so that you can find hope, direction, peace and stability.

12 Steps to Recovery

The purpose of 1 is to provide information on the range of 12-step programmes worldwide, especially those in New Zealand.Our commitment is to help you find the connection between a erious problem you are experiencing in your life and a free, simple, and proven solution. Our hope is that you will quickly find freedom from your problems and happiness in your life. Our vision is a dream.